The Idol-Head of Diabolu Podcast

The Idol-Head of Diabolu Podcast #15

Martian Manhunter’s 60th Anniversary Special

A Celebration of the Alien Atlas
Part One (1955-1993)

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New York Times Program Synopsis:
A special which pays tribute to The Manhunter from Mars, the least popular co-founder of the Justice League of America and one of the greatest hanger-on associates to pop culture heroes of all time. The special interweaves memorable moments from J’onn J’onzz’s television series, cartoons and comics highlighting his super powers, secret identity, acts of heroism, and personal life. Also included are comically inept text-to-audio vignettes featuring unrecorded guest stars discussing the best super-hero ever of Middletown, U.S.A.

Audio Source Credits

We enjoy dialogue on the red planet, so here are our non-telepathic contact options:

2 thoughts on “The Idol-Head of Diabolu Podcast #15”

  1. I didn’t know so many comics creators who worked on J’Onn were robots!

    But seriously, a great collection of interviews covering almost every era of the Martian Manhunter. I loved it.


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